15 research outputs found

    Description of a digital image system and a virtual environment to be used as a remote second referral option in ophthalmology

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the possibilities of a teleophthalmology system to be used in a remote second referral program. METHODS: Digital images of the anterior segment were digitized by the Eyemail program and attached to the clinical description of the case and the file was sent to the website www.suportemedico.com.br for remote telediagnosis. The telediagnosis was then compared with the in loco diagnosis. RESULTS: The Eyemail system was able to capture images from the slit lamp and to send the files to the website. The website received the files and the operator was able to make the diagnosis using those files. CONCLUSION: The Eyemail system proved to have a potential use as a second referral program.OBJETIVOS: Idealizar, desenvolver e verificar a funcionalidade um sistema de teleoftalmologia para diagnóstico remoto em casos clínicos. MÉTODOS: Descrever o funcionamento e utilização do sistema, sua capacidade de captura, arquivamento e envio de imagens via internet, e de um domínio virtual voltado ao telediagnóstico, aconselhamento ou segunda opinião. RESULTADOS: Foram definidos os requisitos básicos, detalhes de programação e de funcionamento de um programa de captura de imagens. O funcionamento do mesmo acoplado a uma placa de captura de imagens foi realizado com sucesso, bem como a criação, na internet, de um domínio médico-oftalmológico. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados preliminares permitiram a avaliação de um sistema misto para o suporte médico em nosso meio. Os instrumentos diagnósticos disponíveis bem como suas conexões com a rede foram satisfatórias e suficientes para viabilizar um estudo piloto bem su-cedido. O sistema revelou-se potencialmente adequado para o telediagnóstico e segunda opinião. O método necessita de testes clínicos e compa-ração com métodos diagnósticos tradicionais para comprovar a sua eficácia.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de OftalmologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESP, Depto. de OftalmologiaUNIFESPSciEL

    Iris recognition as a biometric method after cataract surgery

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    BACKGROUND: Biometric methods are security technologies, which use human characteristics for personal identification. Iris recognition systems use iris textures as unique identifiers. This paper presents an analysis of the verification of iris identities after intra-ocular procedures, when individuals were enrolled before the surgery. METHODS: Fifty-five eyes from fifty-five patients had their irises enrolled before a cataract surgery was performed. They had their irises verified three times before and three times after the procedure, and the Hamming (mathematical) distance of each identification trial was determined, in a controlled ideal biometric environment. The mathematical difference between the iris code before and after the surgery was also compared to a subjective evaluation of the iris anatomy alteration by an experienced surgeon. RESULTS: A correlation between visible subjective iris texture alteration and mathematical difference was verified. We found only six cases in which the eye was no more recognizable, but these eyes were later reenrolled. The main anatomical changes that were found in the new impostor eyes are described. CONCLUSIONS: Cataract surgeries change iris textures in such a way that iris recognition systems, which perform mathematical comparisons of textural biometric features, are able to detect these changes and sometimes even discard a pre-enrolled iris considering it an impostor. In our study, re-enrollment proved to be a feasible procedure

    Estudo da capacidade de manter o alerta em pacientes com fibromialgia por meio do teste da manutenção da vigília Degree of daytime sleepiness in patients with fibromyalgia through the awakefulness maintenance test

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar, de forma objetiva, a capacidade de manter o alerta em pacientes com fibromialgia por meio do teste da manutenção da vigília (TMV). MÉTODO: Foi realizado um estudo caso-controle de 15 pacientes com diagnóstico de fibromialgia com pelo menos 11 de 18 pontos dolorosos e dor difusa nos últimos três meses. O grupo-controle foi constituído de 15 indivíduos hígidos pareados por idade e sexo, selecionados seqüencialmente. Os participantes responderam à escala de sonolência de Epworth e foram submetidos ao TMV. Foram realizadas quatro captações, cada uma com duração mínima de 20 minutos e com intervalo de duas horas. Considerou-se como normal a latência para o início do sono maior do que 20 minutos, e patológica a latência menor que 11 minutos. RESULTADOS: O grupo com fibromialgia apresentou significante redução da latência para o início do sono no TMV, comparado ao grupo-controle 9,9 &plusmn; 4,6 e 14,9 &plusmn; 5,1, respectivamente, p = 0,01, sendo que em 66,7% dos casos o resultado foi patológico, em comparação com 26,7% no grupo-controle (p = 0,03). Não se observou correlação entre o resultado do TMV e a idade dos pacientes ou a pontuação na escala de sonolência de Epworth. CONCLUSÃO: Neste estudo-piloto, pacientes com fibromialgia apresentam redução da latência do sono no TMV.<br>OBJECTIVE: To assess in an objective way the degree of alertness in patients with fibromyalgia through the Maintenance Wakefulness Test ( MWT). METHOD: Fifteen patients with fibromyalgia and 15 age and sex- matched healthy controls were sequentially selected. The inclusion criteria for fibromyalgia were the presence of at least 11 of the 18 tender points and diffuse pain during three months prior to evaluation. All participants answered the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and underwent four 20 minutes sessions of MWT scheduled at 2-hour intervals. Mean sleep latency higher than 20 minutes or lower than 10 minutes was considered normal or pathological, respectively. RESULTS: Although ESS scores did not differ between fibromyalgia patients and controls, the fibromyalgia group showed a significant decrease in the sleep latency by MWT ( 9.9 &plusmn; 4.6 and 14.9 &plusmn; 5.1, respectively, p = 0.01). Pathological results were obtained in 66.7% of the patients, in comparison to 26.7% of the controls ( p = 0.03). CONCLUSION: In this pilot study, patients with fibromyalgia showed decrease in the sleep latency by the Wakefulness Maintenance Test